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Image for article titled Carers Support Carers Support Are you living in Croydon, 16 years or above and looking after someone with a mental health problem? If so you are a carer. Read more... 25/07/2024 Image for article titled Be kind to your kidneys Be kind to your kidneys Have you heard of Chronic Kidney Disease? Read more... 14/03/2024 Image for article titled Visit your Pharmacy First! Visit your Pharmacy First! Most pharmacies can help you with seven common conditions without needing a GP appointment. 06/02/2024 Image for article titled Herbert Protocol Herbert Protocol A scheme to support people whose relatives with dementia might go missing 23/11/2023 Image for article titled Self Care Week Self Care Week Self care is an essential part of our overall wellbeing 13/11/2023 Image for article titled Living with Type 2 Diabetes Living with Type 2 Diabetes Author: Jackie Harris-Macintosh. Read more... 03/11/2023 Image for article titled Shingles Shingles If you’re aged 70 to 79, you’re eligible for a shingles vaccination if you haven’t already had one. 16/10/2023 Image for article titled Flu and COVID-19 vaccination Flu and COVID-19 vaccination Influenza will shortly be circulating. If you’re eligible for a flu vaccination, make an appointment with us to have yours early in the season. 16/10/2023 Image for article titled Dyslexia awareness Dyslexia awareness 3rd to 9th October. Read more... 03/10/2023 Image for article titled Mental health and keeping in touch Mental health and keeping in touch If you’re struggling with your mental health, there’s plenty of support available. 01/10/2023 Image for article titled Childhood minor illnesses / accidents Childhood minor illnesses / accidents Childhood minor illnesses / accidents 01/10/2023 Image for article titled The importance of childhood immunisation The importance of childhood immunisation Vaccinations against some diseases are provided for free by the NHS. 01/10/2023